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  • 米国核医学会の雑誌JNMMIの60周年を記念して特別号が出版


その中の一つの記事https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33293434/ に以下の論文が引用されていました。

Kubota R, Yamada S, Kubota K, Ishiwata K, Tamahashi N, Ido T. Intratumoral distribution of fluorine-18-fluorodeoxyglucose in vivo: high accumulation in macrophages and granulation tissues studied by microautoradiography. J Nucl Med. 1992 Nov;33(11):1972-80. PMID: 1432158.

The paper by Kubota et al. in this anniversary issue of JNM was a landmark study highlighting the significance of 18F-FDG uptake by tumor macrophages in a mouse xenograft model during the initial years of 18F-FDG biologic validation
