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Students from Miyagi First Senior High School visited us

On June 21, 2022, eleven first-year students from Miyagi First Senior High School and a teacher visited the Center. The visit was part of the “Cosmos” Exploratory Studies class, which is a distinctive feature of Miyagi First Senior High School.

This program is designed to increase students’ interest in academics through visits to cutting-edge laboratories, and to improve their motivation for learning and awareness of their future career paths.

 Because the accelerator was in operation that day, so we could not visit the cyclotron and beamlines, which are the Center’s main attractions, but saw the state-of-the-art PET system and a historical treasure, the international radium standard source.

 After that, we moved to a lecture room where four graduate students studying at the Center introduced their research topics and talked about their daily lives as graduate students. We hope that the visitors were able to experience how the various fields of research, such as physics, engineering, pharmacology, and medical engineering, are being greatly developed under the big experimental apparatus, the cyclotron. One of the graduate students is an international student, and his presentation in English provided a good experience for the high school students to feel the globalization of academics.  At the question-and-answer session, the students asked questions about the seminar and other topics. We hope that the students were able to get a concrete image of their career path through interaction with their seniors.

The two hours went by in a blink of an eye. Thank you for coming, future colleagues!