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Tour for TSSP students ―Research and Facility introduction for exchange students―

On June 26th 2023, we held a tour of CYRIC research and facility for TSSP (Tohoku University STEM Summer Program) students. The participants were 27 in total, including the Tohoku University staffs. They are from University of Washington, The Pennsylvania State University, University of York, University of California, and so on.

The students got together in the lecture room in CYRIC, and at first, we gave a series of lectures by Accelerator Gr., Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry Gr., and Cyclotron Nuclear Medicine Gr. The students were actively taking notes and asking questions. After the lectures, they were divided into three groups and went to a tour to see K=110 MeV cyclotron (Cyclotron type 930), K=12 MeV cyclotron (Cyclotron type HM-12), pharmaceutical synthesis facility, and PET/CT.

We think this tour was a valuable experience for the exchange students to actually see the cyclotrons used for physics experiments and RI production.