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  • Tsuda Michiko, a special researcher in the Division of Radiation Protection and Safety control, has been awarded the SAMIT Frontier Award!

Tsuda Michiko, a special researcher in the Division of Radiation Protection and Safety control, has been awarded the SAMIT Frontier Award!

At the JAMIT Young Researchers Medical Imaging Engineering Symposium: SAMIT 2023 held on September 30, 2023, Tsuda Michiko, a special researcher in the Division of Radiation Protection and Safety control (Research Assistant, Department of Quantum-Applied Biosciences, Takasaki Institute for Advanced Quantum Science), was honored with the SAMIT Frontier Award. The title of her presentation was “Three-Dimensional Imaging of Secondary Electron Bremsstrahlung Radiation Measurement of Heavy Particle Beam for Cancer Treatment.” Through simulation studies, she demonstrated the non-invasive 3D imaging of shaped heavy particle beams for cancer treatment based on the measurement of secondary electron bremsstrahlung radiation, depending on the shape of the tumor. The advanced and innovative nature of her work was recognized, leading to the well-deserved achievement of the SAMIT Frontier Award.