Sharing Research Facilities / Enterprise Partnerships

Sharing Research Facilities

The Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center at Tohoku University is an intramural joint education and research facility for multipurpose use of the cyclotron, high-level RI and cyclotron-generated short-lived RI. 

In addition to the cyclotron, we have powerful tools for cutting-edge research, including a high-resolution beam course, a high-intensity fast neutron beam course, an automated radiopharmaceutical synthesizer, PET systems for humans and animals, and a positron planar imaging system that can be applied to plants. 

Cyclotron-based research covers a wide range of fields such as nuclear physics, radiochemistry, nuclear pharmacy, and nuclear medicine, etc. The Center has five research divisions, each with its own specialists promoting research and education, and providing support for the use of these instruments. If you are interested in joint use, please contact any of the research departments at the Center. 

Please note that joint use is limited to Tohoku University staff only. 

Non-University members can use our research resources in collaboration with Tohoku University staff. 

Enterprise Partnerships

Tohoku University Cyclotron and Radioisotope Center conducts research as joint research, sponsored research and academic consulting commissioned by companies and other organizations. Research commissioned by companies is conducted by the Center’s faculty members using the Center’s facilities. 

If you have a specific faculty member to whom you would like to entrust your research, please consult directly with that faculty member regarding the content, duration, funding, research plan, etc. If you have a specific research theme but do not know the appropriate faculty member, please contact the Center’s office. 

TEL: 022-795-7800

Please refer to the website of the Tohoku University Head Office of Enterprise Partnerships for details on procedures, etc. 

Joint Research

Sponsored Research

Academic Consulting