Division of Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry



Research subjects: Application of cyclotron-produced radioisotopes in life science is the main subject of our research. Development of new imaging probes labeled with positron emitters (11C, 18F or 124I) and their molecular pharmacokinetic evaluation using advanced imaging devices such as small animal PET are especially one of our major themes. We have been making efforts to develop automated synthesis systems suitable for routine preparation of PET radiopharmaceuticals, and development of microreactors for radiosynthesis of PET probes using microfluidics is currently our another important topic.

The division belongs to Graduate School/Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, from which we enroll undergraduate and graduate students. We also affiliate with Molecular Imaging Center of National Institute of Radiological Sciences and Riken Center for Molecular Science.


molecular imaging, small animal PET, molecular pharmacokinetics, labeled probe, labeling, automated synthesis, microreactor.


Professor Shozo Furumoto, Ph.D.

古本 祥三
  • PET Medicinal Chemistry, Radiopharmaceutical Chemistry, Molecular Imaging, Small Animal Imaging
  • TEL:022-795-7801
    E-mail: shozo.furumoto.b6*tohoku.ac.jp (Please replace * with @)

Lecturer Yoshihito Funaki

Research Associate Yoichi Ishikawa

  • radiopharmaceutical chemistry, engineering in automation
  • Telephone/FAX:+81 022-795-780